PFANNER is committed to ethical and environmentally sustainable practices and integrity in all its business activities. The associated values and standards are defined in a code of conduct, which forms the basis of all our business activities and decisions. As an integral part of our corporate culture it is binding for all employees of the PFANNER Group.
In summary, the Pfanner group is committed to the following values:
Use of resources and sustainability | PFANNER is aware of the ecological impact of its business activities and takes this responsibility for the environment seriously. In keeping with environmental legislation, PFANNER continuously works on improving its methods and processes in order to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities. PFANNER thus makes a sustained contribution to maintaining a healthy working and living environment.
Business integrity and ethics | When dealing with business partners, PFANNER is committed to respect and honesty. This in particular includes fair competition as well as discretion when it comes to trade secrets, other information worthy of protection, and confidential information. PFANNER does not tolerate any form of corruption, extortion and bribery.
Social responsibility | PFANNER undertakes to unreservedly respect and protect the basic rights and needs of people, human dignity and the basic rights of workers, even in countries where the legal requirements do not or not fully do so.
Quality | PFANNER undertakes to produce top quality products and provide the best possible information to its business partners. We guarantee our customers that they will receive safe, impeccably hygienic and high-quality products.
Compliance with the law | PFANNER is committed to compliance with national laws and international legal provisions and other external and internal regulations. Our managers are responsible for ensuring that in their area of responsibility no laws are violated that could have been prevented through proper supervision and organisation.
PFANNER has introduced a compliance management system to monitor and enforce practices that are compliant with the law and regulations. A compliance management system is a set of measures defined to ensure compliance with national and international regulations and thus to avoid rule violations within the group. In particular, it is designed to support legally compliant behaviour among managers and staff.
To uncover misconduct such as bribery, theft as well as violations of company-internal principles of conduct, PFANNER makes available a whistleblowing portal. Employees, business partners and customers who notice possible infringements of laws, standards or principles of conduct, can report this using the contact information below or via the whistleblowing portal. The report will be received by the Compliance Officer, who will immediately investigate the matter.
Reports submitted via the whistleblowing portal can be submitted anonymously. The report may be accompanied by documents that contain useful information about the rule violation. Your report will be processed via an external reporting platform of a specialized partner. The report can only be viewed by the compliance officer and the IP address cannot be traced. This means that all the necessary technical requirements have been met to ensure the anonymity of whistleblowers.
We investigate all leads with due care and, if necessary, take the appropriate measures. PFANNER ensures that the information will be kept confidential.
Compliance Officer
legal (@)pfanner.com
Alte Landstraße 10
6923 Lauterach
+43 676 8775 5176