Your questions
Do you have questions about our products, services or our company? We at Pfanner are here to answer them as soon as possible. To ask your questions, please fill in all fields marked with asterisk (*). You can find information about our privacy policy here: https://www.pfanner.com/en/privacy-protection/

Did something about one of our products attract your attention? We are happy to look into it, and we will endeavour to find the best possible solution. Please fill in the form below. So our Quality assurance directly can take care of and can provide you as soon as possible with a statement. You can find information about our privacy policy here: https://www.pfanner.com/en/privacy-protection/

Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH has been based in Lauterach, Vorarlberg, for more than 160 years. We have several branches across Europe, and we look forward to you contacting our colleagues near you. Here you can find our addresses.
Pfanner Austria
Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH
Alte Landstraße 10
6923 Lauterach
Tel: +43 557467200
Fax: +43 5574672020
office (@)pfanner.com
Pfanner Italia SRL
Via Albertina-Brogliati
IT-39012 Merano (BZ)
Tel: +39 0473492 100
Fax: +39 0473564 872
info (@)pfanner.it
Cyrom Romania SRL
2 Balciului Str. Ap.2, Lot IIC1 +
Ap3, Lot III-C1 Sector 2,
021502 Bucharest
Tel: +40 212 531 967
+40 212 530 396
Fax: +40 212 527 276
office (@)cyromromania.ro
Pfanner Germany
Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 19
29643 Neuenkirchen
Tel: +49 51959728970
Fax: +49 51959728973
office.deutschland (@)pfanner.com
Pfanner Czech Republic
Pfanner spol.s.r.o
V Ulicce 1243
253 01 Hostivice
Tel: +420 734 572 572
obchod (@)pfanner.cz
Pfanner Bulgaria Ltd
7А, Dimitar Hadzhikotsev Str., fl. 1, ap.1
1421 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 963 40 80
Fax: +359 2 866 90 81
office (@)pfannerbg.com

Shop & Vinothek
In our shop / wine house you can buy all products of the Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH as well as wines, distillates and delicacies of the Pfanner & Gutmann Getränke GmbH.
Pfanner Shop
Lerchenauerstraße 9
A-6923 Lauterach
Tel: (+43) 05574 6720-460
Fax: (+43) 05574 6720 - 470
distillery (@)pfanner.com
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday
09:00 - 12:15 o'clock and
14:00 - 18:15 o'clock
08:30 - 12:15 o'clock.
In december opened
on all working days.
You are also welcome to visit our online shop: https://pfanner-getraenke.com/